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We have launched a new survey on endometriosis care to find out if the pandemic is still affecting those with endometriosis, in particular in…
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Endometriosis UK thanks nursing profession on International Nurses Day  Tomorrow, Thursday 12th May, is International Nurses Day. This date…
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The Northern Ireland Assembly elections are an opportunity to make much needed improvements to endometriosis care in Northern Ireland. There is…
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Gynaecology waiting times soar – time for action to end the suffering The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has published a…
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Endometriosis UK supporter in Northern Ireland helps end the silence An Endometriosis UK supporter in Northern Ireland has generously bought space…
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HSBC UK, first direct and M&S Bank join Endometriosis Friendly Employer Scheme HSBC UK, first direct and M&S Bank are the latest employers…
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NICE’s endometriosis guideline letting down many with the disease and needs urgent update, says Endometriosis UK Click here to ask your MP to back…
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Leading employers helping end taboo around menstrual health during Endometriosis Action Month Most younger women would feel concerned disclosing…
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Don’t ignore the pain: periods and pelvic pain should not get in the way of life, warns charity as Endometriosis Action Month begins Endometriosis…
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For a number of years, March has been Endometriosis Awareness Month. While this has been a successful initiative, allowing us to reach new audiences…
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UK Parliament to debate endometriosis & work - Weds 9 February This week on Wednesday 9 February from 14.30 to 16.00, there will be a…
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Wales: Senedd Health Committee makes Women's Health a priority Endometriosis UK is pleased to that Senedd Health and Social Care Committee has made…

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