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Share your story

Endometriosis UK are currently campaigning to improve the rights of those with endometriosis in the workplace (find out more here). If you would like to share your experience of how your career and employment has been affected by endometriosis to support this campaign, please fill out our form below.

Your stories enable us to highlight the experiences of those impacted by endometriosis.

We can use your stories to inform and support all areas of our work, including awareness raising, fundraising and campaigning.

Your stories are our most powerful tool on our mission towards endometriosis being recognised and understood, and where the disease does not limit people’s lives.

We are so grateful to everyone who chooses to share their story.

Thank you.

Section 1: Contact Details
Do you consent for us to contact you using the email address provided?

We will use your email to contact you about your story, if you consent for us to do so. If you do not consent for us to contact you, we will not be able to share your story.

Uploading a photo isn’t compulsory but if you would like to share a photo of yourself, please feel free!
One file only.
80 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg jpeg png.

Section 2: Your Story

Thank you for sharing your story with us. Everyone’s experience is important to the work that we do.

Please select the option that best describes your experience with endometriosis

Please tell us your story

Your story is completely unique to you and that is what makes it so valuable.

You might like to consider the following questions to help share your story:

  • When did you first notice symptoms?
  • When did you seek medical attention?
  • If you are already diagnosed, how long did it take?
  • What was your diagnosis journey like?
  • What have your experiences with medical practitioners been like?
  • How did you hear about Endometriosis UK?

Please note, we can not share information that references specific medical professionals or medical establishments by name.

Please tell us how your experience with endometriosis has impacted you

You might like to consider the following areas to help share how endometriosis has impacted you:

  • Daily life
  • Education and work
  • Friendships
  • Romantic relationships
  • Family
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Hobbies and activities
  • Fertility
Section 4: Tell us more about you...

We are passionate about representing everyone affected by endometriosis. These questions are optional, but they help us to better understand and represent the experiences of everyone, including those from marginalised communities. Please answer them if you feel comfortable doing so.
