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Past webinars

On this page, you will find recordings of webinars on topics related to living with endometriosis. You should always contact your GP or medical practitioner with individual medical questions.

A huge thank you to all of our incredible webinar hosts. You can find and register for our upcoming webinars here. The content of lectures and talks given for Endometriosis UK represent the views of the speakers and not necessarily the views of the charity.

Past Webinars

64 Results

Endometriosis: A multi faceted approach to chronic and pelvic pain

Dr Ooi Thye Chong - RN MPH L. Ac. PhD

Ooi Thye will be discussing a multi-faceted approach to chronic and pelvic pain, in particular her talk will include conversation around diffe

Adolescents and Endometriosis

Dr Pallavi Latthe (Consultant Gynaecologist, Subspecialist Urogynaecology, Clinical lead Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology, Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust) and Dr P.S.Aruna Kumari (MBBS, MD, MFFP, FRCOG, IFEPAG, Consultant Gynaecologist, Lead for Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology and Termination of Pregnancy Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust)

This webinar will discuss: Endometriosis in adolescents Going through symptoms in adolescents Treatment pathways for adolescents BritSPAG New

World Endometriosis Organisation - Endometriosis In The Workplace Webinar

Emma Cox - Endometriosis UK
Donna Ciccia - Endometriosis Australia

World Endometriosis Organisation hosted a webinar on Endometriosis In The Workplace featuring speakers Emma Cox - Endometriosis UK and Donna Ciccia

Endometriosis and Mindful Practical Cycle Awareness

Kate Shepherd Cohen, an award-winning menstrual health pioneer and Founder and CEO of health tech Menstrual Cycle Support

Join us and guest speaker Kate Shepherd Cohen, an award-winning menstrual health pioneer and Founder and CEO of health tech 

Practical Pain Management: Physiotherapy and Endometriosis

Pauline-Clare Callaghan, Pelvic Health Physiotherapist with a special interest in Endometriosis and Katie Bromley - BPhty Specialist Physiotherapist.

Pauline and Katie will be discussing physiotherapy as a form of pain management and how it can be used to help those with endometriosis, as well as

Endometriosis at Work

Ginisha Vekaria, Endometriosis UK's Workplace Menstrual Wellbeing Programme Manager, and Ruksana Ahmed Founder of the organisation known as Endo Pain Specialist, a Women's Health Coach using Functional Nutrition Approach.

Join us for Endometriosis at Work.

Endometriosis and Pain Management from a MDT

Lucy Whitaker - (MBChB, MD, MSc, MRCOG) - Honorary Consultant, NHS Lothian. Senior Clinical Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh

Join us and guest speaker Lucy Whitaker - (MBChB, MD, MSc, MRCOG) - Honorary Consultant, NHS Lothian.

Unleash your Potential

Heatherjane Dangerfield - Welsh Coordinator

Join us for an inspiring webinar, have you ever dreamed of being a rugby player, a flight attendant, police officer?  We will hear from all th