The Northern Ireland Assembly elections are an opportunity to make much needed improvements to endometriosis care in Northern Ireland. There is an urgent need to improve access to endometriosis care in Northern Ireland as too many with the condition currently face unacceptable waits for the care they need, and there is presently no specialist care for endometriosis taking place in Northern Ireland. This is simply not good enough.
Endometriosis UK has today launched a campaign to ask its supporters in Northern Ireland to write to the Assembly candidates in their constituency to ask them to become Endometriosis Champions if elected as a Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) on the 5th May and get their party to push for commitments on endometriosis in the next Programme for Government.
Endometriosis UK is asking for the next Northern Ireland Programme for Government to contain concrete commitments on endometriosis:
- Baseline of endometriosis care for all – Ensuring everyone with endometriosis in Northern Ireland gets access to care and support in line with NICE guidance [1] including endometriosis specialist centre care for those who need it.
- Faster diagnosis - Reduce average time it takes to get a diagnosis of endometriosis from 8.5 years to four years by 2025 and under one year by 2030.
- Tackling pandemic backlog - Ensuring appropriate action and resources to tackle gynaecology backlog in particular for those with severe endometriosis who had surgery cancelled or postponed.
- Menstrual wellbeing education - Ensuring age-appropriate comprehensive menstrual wellbeing education in all Northern Irish schools to improve awareness and understanding of menstrual health including endometriosis.
It's time for all political parties in Northern Ireland to commit to improving endometriosis care in Northern Ireland. The endometriosis community in Northern Ireland deserves better.
For further details please see our Call for Candidates.
For media inquiries please email us on or call Rebecca Taylor on 07392 011 909.
Please click here to take part in our NI Assembly elections campaign.
[1] NICE guidance NG73 on Endometriosis: diagnosis and management, 6 September 2017 and Quality Standards QS172 on Endometriosis, 6 August 2018