We are pleased to work with universities and clinicians across the UK to support research into endometriosis, its treatment and management.
We get many requests from researchers for assistance with their research including university research groups, clinicians, PhD students, Masters students, undergraduates and commercial organisations.
We review requests on a case-by-case basis and due to volume of request can only work with some. We are generally unable to help undergraduates and only able to help some Masters and PhD research projects.
Types of support we have provided include providing expert advice, helping with research design, supporting the development of surveys, promoting research studies via our social media and helping find PPI (Patient and Public Involvement) and study participants. Currently we do not provide funding for research nor financial support for research students.
Research guidance
If you are a university researcher or a clinician considering a new project please contact us if you would like to discuss how we could be involved with your project and options for PPI support. Please contact us with an overview of the research proposal and how you would like us to help you.
Guidance for PhD Students
If you are a PhD student and already have funding and ethical approval and would like us to consider helping with your project, please contact us with a description of the research you are undertaking and how you want to engage participants e.g., to complete an online survey, recruiting participants for a focus group. We will be in touch to find out more details and will need the following information to consider your request:
- A copy of the IRB or relevant ethics committee approval to conduct your research.
- For a survey, a full list of questions to review prior to agreeing to distribution, please supply this as a word document (or similar) to make commenting easier. Once the survey has been finalised we will require a link and will do a final review.
- Draft text for social media, an accompanying image, and the email address to be publicised for contact details. Most participants will see the research promoted on social media and respond via a smart phone, please ensure that your survey is mobile device compatible before you send us the final link.
- An idea of any deadlines you may be working to.
- An idea of how many participants are required
Please also note the following:
- The research study/survey will need to have IRB or the appropriate ethical approval before we will consider it.
- We will not share a survey that asks for contact details, unless there is a research need for this e.g., for longitudinal follow up.
- Surveys/research will be shared via social media.
- Our schedule for distribution of surveys will be managed to fit in with other activities of the organisation, including other research surveys and studies; we cannot guarantee to work to external deadlines.
Commercial Organisations
Endometriosis UK is sometimes approached for assistance with research projects by commercial organisations including pharmaceutical companies, medical technology companies, and contract research organisations. The kind of assistance requested includes input on study design, review of patient materials, patient input and help recruiting patients to take part in research.
As a charity, we evaluate such potential collaborations carefully, ensuring that we only participating where the research has clear benefits for the endometriosis community. If you are a commercial organisation and would like us to consider collaborating with you on a research project, please contact us.