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Research into endometriosis is vital to find out more about the disease. Only through research will we find out more about what causes it, how to treat symptoms, better ways to diagnose, the support people need, and hopefully one day find a cure.

Interested in taking part in research?

Clinical trials enable researchers to investigate new ways of treating and managing endometriosis, and compare two or more types of treatment to see what works best. They are run by doctors and researchers, in one or more hospitals across the UK.

If you would like to consider taking part in research, please see below for clinical trials that are currently looking for participants. The trial websites will let you know criteria for those taking part, and if your hospital is involved in recruitment. It is due to the kindness and generosity of those who consent to take part in trials that this research can move forward.  Each trial has patient information so you can see if it might be something you would be interested in, and your doctor and research nurses would discuss it with you so you can consider if you would like to take part.


Effectiveness of Laparoscopic Removal of Superficial Peritoneal Endometriosis for the Management of Chronic Pelvic Pain

Run by the University of Edinburgh, ESPriT2is a randomised controlled trial to determine whether laparoscopic removal of isolated superficial peritoneal endometriosis (SPE) by excision or ablation is of benefit for the management of chronic pelvic pain. Isolated SPE means that no deep endometriosis has been found on organs such as the bowel, only endometriosis on the peritoneal lining of the pelvic cavity.

The study will compare patients with SPE who have had endometriosis surgically removed via laparoscopy with patients who have had only a diagnostic laparoscopy i.e. no removal surgery took place. Participants will be randomly assigned to having diagnostic laparoscopy only or laparoscopy and removal, and will not know which procedure they had. 

Researchers will also be able to compare patient outcomes for different methods of laparoscopic removal of endometriosis, namely ablation and excision.

Find out more: Further information can be found on ESPriT2 website, including a list of study sites which are recruiting and patient information for anyone interested in participating.


Recurrence of Endometriosis: Clinical and Cost-effectiveness of Gonatropin Releasing Hormone Analogues with Add-back HRT Versus Repeat Laparoscopic Surgery

Regal is a clinical trial considering how best to treat those who have already had surgery for endometriosis but then at a later date experience recurrence of endometriosis pain.  The trial will compare further surgery versus hormonal treatment, and is run by the University of Aberdeen.

This randomised controlled trial will compare long-term GnRH analogues (hormones which temporarily stop the ovaries producing oestrogen, ‘medical menopause’) with added HRT compared to keyhole surgery in women who experience recurrence of endometriosis pain after surgery, but who wish to preserve their fertility.

Find out more: Eligibility to take part includes having recurrent pain following laparoscopic treatment for endometriosis and being 21 – 49 years old. Further information including study sites and how to take part can be found on the REGAL website.