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Support Groups

Ayrshire Support Group

About this group

The Ayrshire Support Group is a new group formed in May 2022 for people in Ayrshire suffering from endometriosis. The group will provide a safe space for sharing information for those affected by endometriosis. This does not involve giving advice, either medical or legal. Real life support group meetings will be arranged and if you would like to attend please email

The group is a place to share events, information and positivity to help those who suffer from this debilitating condition and support  each other through the challenges that having endometriosis can cause. 

General Session Information

Upcoming Support group sessions

There are no upcoming sessions at this time. Please check back again.

Meet the Support Group Leader(s)


Picture of support group leader Julie

Hi, I'm Julie and I was diagnosed with Stage 4 deep infiltrating endometriosis and adenomyosis in 2014.  My diagnosis came 28 years after having issues every month and since then I have had 4 different surgeries.  Endometriosis can be extremely debilitating and being part of a support group can help.  The  Endometriosis UK Ayrshire Support Group provides a safe space for sharing information for those affected by endometriosis.  I am committed to helping future generations of women affected by endometriosis.  

Looking for medical advice?

Please be aware that our support service are unable to provide medical advice and can only talk about endometriosis based on their own experience. If you need medical advice, please contact your GP or endometriosis specialist.