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Support Groups

West Kent Group

About this group

Welcome to the West Kent Endo UK support group. We are a group supporting those experiencing endometriosis and related conditions in West Kent.

Our group welcomes members from areas in and surrounding Tonbridge, Sevenoaks, Tunbridge Wells, Malling and Maidstone, and wider Kent.

We meet virtually on a monthly to bi-monthly basis in a supportive environment to discuss our struggles and experiences and share our journeys. We occasionally also have speakers - more information to follow on these once its available.

You can join our group by joining our mailing list (choose 'West Kent Support Group Members') and visiting our Facebook page.

General Session Information

We currently meet virtually on a monthly to bi-monthly basis. Sessions are on scheduled Tuesdays from 7pm through Zoom - the link will be circulated on the dedicated Facebook group and through emails.

Upcoming Support Group Sessions

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    'How Nutritional Therapy can Help with Endometriosis Symptoms', speaker Emma Belton
    Place: Virtual (Teams)
    Topic: Guest speaker, Online Meeting

Meet the Support Group Leader(s)


Picture of support group leader Heather

My endo story started in 2020 when two large ovarian cysts were found on my ovaries during an ultrasound, for which I had my first surgery in October. This operation lead to a diagnosis of stage 4 endometriosis and a further two surgeries in March 2022 and May 2023. My life has been completely changed by endo, like many I have daily pain and struggle with what my doctors think is nerve damage from my surgeries. I often feel like there is a timebomb in my pelvis and I'm just waiting for it to go off, new symptoms, new pain, new related conditions. I found Endo UK and their groups a lifeline of support from those who are experiencing the same things I am. I have been a member of West Kent support group since 2021 and now feel privileged to take over as leader from November 2023.

Looking for medical advice?

Please be aware that our support service are unable to provide medical advice and can only talk about endometriosis based on their own experience. If you need medical advice, please contact your GP or endometriosis specialist.