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Support Groups

Nottingham Support Group

About this group

Our meetings are an informal place to meet others who understand what we go through on a daily basis.

We can share stories/experiences without judgements and learn more from each other,

I will get speakers through the year who are educated in the endometriosis field who explain things in more depth.

Meetings will either be held at a venue or over zoom, keep a look out for the dates as i will give notice about 2 weeks before to give people chance to let me know if they would like to attend.

General Session Information

A meeting every 4-6 weeks for a couple hours to have a tea or coffee.

Upcoming Support Group Sessions

  • -
    General support meeting.
    Place: Teams
    Topic: General support, Online Meeting

Meet the Support Group Leader(s)


Picture of support group leader Jenni So a little about me. I have been suffering since i was 14 years old, got diagnosed when i was 23 via scan but did not have my first operation until i was 33. I am also disabled due to endometriosis so limited mobility in right leg, due to waiting too long to finally have a operation, also have had total hysterectomy. I have a endometriosis awareness diploma, which gives me more insight into this condition and everything around it, so this way i can i explain more in detail to others.

Looking for medical advice?

Please be aware that our support service are unable to provide medical advice and can only talk about endometriosis based on their own experience. If you need medical advice, please contact your GP or endometriosis specialist.