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Support Groups

Edinburgh Support Group

About this group

The aim of the Edinburgh group is to provide a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for women where they can discuss any aspect of this condition and feel informed, empowered and not alone. We welcome anyone who has or thinks they have endometriosis.

The regular group meetings are a mixture of informal and formal meetings with guest speakers. And we hope to be proactive in raising awareness of endometriosis and fundraising. 

If you are looking for support and information, then please get in touch and come along to the group meetings. We are a friendly bunch!

General Session Information

We usually aim to meet at least once a month, on the second Wednesday of each month

Upcoming Support Group Sessions

  • -
    General Support Group Meeting April
    Place: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre. the Marry Duffy room (1st floor), 25 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AP
    Topic: General support

Meet the Support Group Leader(s)


Picture of support group leader Mirela

I'm 41 and I've been living with endometriosis for over two decades before it got diagnosed. 

Women should not have to endure for so long, nor live thinking the pain is normal, nor feel like an outcast for having it. 

I believe raising awareness and bringing women together in a safe space where they can feel accepted, and where they can share their stories and struggles, is of monumental importance for those who are impacted.

Looking for medical advice?

Please be aware that our support service are unable to provide medical advice and can only talk about endometriosis based on their own experience. If you need medical advice, please contact your GP or endometriosis specialist.