In recognition of the problems being experienced in Wales by those on NHS waiting lists for diagnostic tests and treatment, the Senedd Health and Social Care Committee ran a consultation from October 2021 to January 2022:
Impact of the waiting times backlog on people in Wales who are waiting for diagnosis or treatment (EN).
Endometriosis UK has submitted a response to this consultation which notes among other things:
- There were long waiting times for gynaecology and endometriosis specialist centre appointments in Wales before the pandemic; they have now got worse
- The mental health impact of long waiting times, in particular the uncertainty of not knowing when cancelled or postponed surgery might take place
- The need for better support for those on waiting lists including access to pain management services and mental health support
Our submission draws on responses received from those living in Wales to our Covid impact survey (June - July 2021) and from those in the endometriosis community in Wales who have shared their experiences with us. Thanks to those in Wales who completed the survey or shared their experiences with us.
In addition, we helped the Committee to set up interviews with members of the endometriosis communitiy in Wales who are on a waiting list for treatment or had treatment delayed due to the pandemic. Thanks to those who took part in the interviews.