* Closing date for applications is 5pm on Monday 19 September 2022 *
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, the national body responsible for developing guidance for healthcare practitioners and approving treatments for NHS use, is recruiting three lay members with lived experience of fertility problems for its Committee on Fertility.
The Committee on Fertility Problems: Assessment and Treatment, is looking for three lay members with lived experience of being assessed or treated for health-related fertility problems. This could include anyone with endometriosis who has experienced fertility problems or undergone fertility treatment as a result of their endometriosis.
Anyone interested in joining the Committee should download and read the following:
Information document on Fertility Committee lay member recruitment
Information document on being a lay member of a NICE committee
If, after reading the information documents, you are still interested in joining the committee, please download and complete the forms below and return them to NICE's Public Involvement Programme Team on piprecruitment@nice.org.uk by 5pm on Monday 19 September at the very latest.
Fertility Committee application form (5 pages)
Equal Opportunities Monitoring form (1 page)
Declaration of Interests form (5 pages)
Further details can also be found here on the NICE website until Friday 16 September. Please be assured that although the closing date on the NICE website is Friday 16 September, NICE's Public Involvement Team will accept applications until Monday 19 September 2022.
Endometriosis UK is not involved in recruitment for the Committee; that will be a matter only for NICE.