Supporting others with endometriosis could be your life’s legacy. Leaving a gift in your will is a valuable and lasting way to support the work we do beyond your lifetime. Whether it’s a modest cash sum or a larger donation, you’ll be helping us create hope for a future where endometriosis does not limit lives.
We understand that, when making a Will, ensuring that your family and friends are provided for is your top priority. After ensuring your loved ones will be taken care of, you may wish to consider leaving a gift to Endometriosis UK.
It is very straightforward to leave a gift in your Will. If you have any questions or would like to talk to us before you do so, we would be glad to speak to you. Contact or call us on 020 7222 2781.
Otherwise, you can simply provide the following information when you meet with your solicitor about your will:
Charity name: Endometriosis UK
Charity number: England & Wales (1035810) and Scotland (SC051651)
Charity address: 10-18 Union Street, London, SE1 1SZ
Our promise to you:
- We completely understand that your family and friends come first and we will never put you under any pressure to leave a gift.
- You can change your mind at any time and we will never ask your reasons for this. We understand that circumstances can change.
- We guarantee that your privacy will be protected, and we will never share your details with anyone else without your prior permission.
- We will always be completely transparent and answer any questions you may have.
- Your gift will make a real difference to the lives of those with endometriosis.
How will my gift make a difference?
Donations go a long way to helping us continue to provide support for those who face challenging and difficult decisions during diagnosis, treatment and management of endometriosis. Your donation will contribute to the continued running of our support services, as well as our campaigning and awareness activities.
Your donation will help us campaign for change, better treatment for those with endometriosis, and eventually a cure. You can help us end the pain, end the silence and end the isolation endometriosis can cause.