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Get newly-elected members of Parliament to put endometriosis at the top of their to-do list

A huge thank you to everyone who wrote to their election candidates about endometriosis. Thousands of emails were sent, and we were encouraged to see responses from all the main parties.   

Now that MPs are back, and a new Government is in power, we need MPs to put endometriosis at the top of their to do list. Change is needed fast to drive down unacceptably long diagnosis times and improve care for those with endometriosis. We urgently need MPs to get straight to work to improve things and you can help. 

Take our 2-minute action today.

Use this super simple template to email your MP today. It only takes 2 minutes and will automatically generate an email for you to send to your MP asking if they will find out more about those living with endometriosis, and take action in Parliament. 

Top tips for emailing your MP: 

Make it personal: Adding your personal experience is a powerful way of highlighting the impact endometriosis has had on you or your loved one. 

Make it local: Add in any experience you’ve had of local services. This will help your MP understand why this matters and what they can do to improve services, both in your area, and nationally. 

What more can I do to make a bigger difference? 

Meeting face to face with your newly-elected MP will mean they get a more detailed understanding of endometriosis and they’ll be more likely to pick up the issue and become a champion in Parliament for those living with endometriosis.  

Most MPs hold surgeries in their local area to give people an opportunity to discuss matters of concern. They run surgeries at different times and locations and may even take up an issue on your behalf. So if you have endometriosis and are having trouble accessing services, why not try to meet your MP and see what they can do to help? Use this super simple template to email your MP today and ask them when they are next holding surgeries so you can meet them.  

Top tips for meeting your MP: 

Remember to be polite and constructive – We know that many of you have had some very difficult experiences and have not had access to the services and support you need. MPs will want to hear about this, but they are far more likely to respond to positive messages and ideas for change. Remember to keep things factual, polite and constructive. 

Be persistent: most MPs’ offices are busy places, so it’s possible that your email could get mislaid or overlooked. If you don’t get a reply within a week or two, do email or call again. 

Try calling: if you don’t get a reply to your email then why not call their office? Meetings are often easier to arrange over the phone

Take a friend or family member: If you are meeting with your MP, taking a friend or family member can be helpful so you have some support on the day. And they can take some notes about anything that was agreed in the meeting. If you are part of a local endometriosis support group, then perhaps you could arrange for the MP to meet your group. 

Contact us for more advice and support: If you are planning to meet with your MP, please do let us know and we’d be happy to advise you on how to make the most of the meeting.  

Let’s all work together to help all newly-elected MPs get straight to work on making the changes to services and support that those with endometriosis so desperately need. 

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