Endometriosis Champions
Endometriosis Friendly Employers are invited to appoint Endometriosis Champions. This role aims to provide employees with a visible member of staff within the organisation to whom they can turn to for support and information in relation to endometriosis. Endometriosis Champions do not need to be experts in endometriosis and don’t need to have endometriosis themselves; a willingness to learn about the condition and ability to talk openly about endometriosis, menstrual wellbeing and associated issues are central to the role.
An Endometriosis Champion will:
- Develop an understanding of endometriosis and how this may affect employees
- Be a point of contact for employees experiencing issues at work as a result of endometriosis
- Know where to signpost colleagues for further information and support
- Be aware of internal HR policies and procedures that could benefit employees with endometriosis
And, where appropriate:
- Be a point of contact for managers who may have people with endometriosis in their team
- Display information leaflets and posters
- Organise awareness events, such as coffee mornings or ‘lunch and learn’ events, to ensure colleagues know about endometriosis, perhaps in line with national awareness campaigns
This role can be tailored to suit the size and needs of your organisation. Larger multi-site organisations may wish to have an Endometriosis Champion in each location, whereas smaller teams may be better suited to assign the role to one employee. Employees and managers will feel able to approach the champion with issues relating to their own/staff members’ endometriosis and the workplace. Endometriosis Champions aren’t medical professionals; their role is not to provide medical advice, or provide emotional support to an individual over a long period of time - the role is focused on signposting, support, and sustaining a diverse and inclusive workforce.
Training and Resources
Endometriosis Champions will be invited to attend an induction webinar, and provided with their own dedicated Endometriosis Champions e-update twice a year.
Endometriosis Champions can find a wealth of information about endometriosis on Endometriosis UK’s website. Of particular interest will be:
- Understanding Endometriosis
- Endometriosis FAQs
- Personal Stories
- Our Support Pages can help Endometriosis Champions to signpost to Endometriosis UK’s support services.
In addition, Endometriosis UK can offer bespoke in-house training for Endometriosis Champions and colleagues to further enhance their skills and knowledge.