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Raising Awareness

People share their experience of raising awareness and living with endometriosis.

Personal Story
What advice would you give to someone who thinks they may have Endometriosis? If you think you might have endometriosis, it can be useful to record…
Personal Story
"Having found my inner voice to be able to be open about my condition at work, coupled with the flexibility and support of my managers and peers has…
Personal Story
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN VOLUNTEERING FOR ENDOMETRIOSIS UK? I started volunteering after I was diagnosed in 2007, so that’s about 8 years. I started…
Personal Story
"I have nothing to lose by empowering myself to take control and never letting my endometriosis win". MY EXPERIENCE I first experienced…
Personal Story
"I’ve always prepared for surgery by talking about it to friends and family beforehand. I find each operation a little easier to manage as it seems…

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