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Living with endometriosis

Women speak about living with endometriosis.

Personal Story
I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis in August 2014. Receiving this diagnosis was the culmination of an awful journey I’d been on since…
Personal Story
For me being diagnosed was a pretty fast process, although I did the research and had to put forward the suggestion that my symptoms showed it could…
Personal Story
"What kept me going the most was thinking of Natalie, her pain (both physical and emotional) – caused by endometriosis – is far greater than any…
Personal Story
“Meeting other women with endometriosis lessens the isolation that endometriosis can bring with it.” MY EXPERIENCE I was diagnosed with…
Personal Story
“This debilitating, invisible disease is no longer going to control me and my life.” MY EXPERIENCE I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2004 and…
Personal Story
"People mistakenly believe because you’ve had surgery, you should be fine now. I still have a lot of pain." MY EXPERIENCE My experience I started…
Personal Story
"I have nothing to lose by empowering myself to take control and never letting my endometriosis win". MY EXPERIENCE I first experienced…
Personal Story
"I’ve always prepared for surgery by talking about it to friends and family beforehand. I find each operation a little easier to manage as it seems…

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