Endometriosis UK works with Westminster Northern Irish MPs and Stormont MLAs (Member of the Legislative Assembly) and other decision makers to push for improvements in care and support for those with endometriosis in Northern Ireland.
For the 2022 Northern Ireland Assembly elections, we are asking our supporters to write to the Assembly candidates in their constituency to ask them to become Endometriosis Champions if elected MLA on 5 May and to encourage their party, if involved in negotiations, to push for concrete commitments on endometriosis in the next Northern Ireland Programme for Government.
Our key asks for Northern Ireland:
- Baseline of Care for all - Ensuring everyone with endometriosis in Northern Ireland gets access to the care they need in line with NICE guidance, including when needed, specialist care.
- Faster Diagnosis - Reduce the average time it takes to get a diagnosis of endometriosis in Northern Ireland from the current 8.5 years to an average of four years by 2025 and under one year by 2030.
- Tackle pandemic backlog - Ensure appropriate action and resources to tackle the gynaecology backlog in particular for those with severe endometriosis who had surgery cancelled or postponed.
- Menstrual Wellbeing Education - Ensure age-appropriate comprehensive menstrual well-being education in all Northern Irish primary and seconary schools to improve awareness and understanding of menstrual health including endometriosis.