Following the death of Her Majesty the Queen, parliament will be adjourned for two weeks from Monday 12 September. The APPG meeting, which was due to take place on Wednesday 21st September, therefore had to be cancelled.
The APPG Chairs and the Secretariat have now identified a new date for the meeting which is Tuesday 25 October from 15.30-16.30.
The APPG on Endometriosis would like to engage with organisations and groups representing endometriosis patients/those with endometriosis to inform their work in the UK parliament.
To this end, the APPG is inviting endometriosis groups to nominate a representative to attend the next meeting of the APPG, which is taking place on Tuesday 25 October 2022. Representatives can attend in-person in parliament or virtually. For practical/capacity reasons, the APPG is asking groups to nominate one or two person(s) to attend the meeting.
Any endometriosis groups interested in getting involved with the APPG are kindly asked to email us to be added to our mailing list.